Dave’s Story

The Preacher’s Story

Jack’s Story

Dave’s Story

Arrested for driving under the influence in a small town in Nebraska, David was required to receive a court-mandated assessment with a counselor.

No information was provided regarding the easiest way to go about this mandate, so David scheduled an in-person appointment with the nearest assessment agency. Unfortunately, the nearest available appointment was 3 weeks out and an hour’s commute from David’s house. David describes feelings of anxiousness and irritation; he wishes the process was faster and simpler.

During his in-person assessment, David felt embarrassed when discussing his situation face-to-face with the counselor. His truthfulness waived when the questions became more uncomfortable, and his mind honed in on leaving as fast as possible. The court paperwork from that assessment took longer than expected. When it appeared the required paperwork would not arrive before his court date, Dave took the online assessment through Approved Assessments.

David answered the questions using his phone at his own pace. When asked those same unsettling questions rattled him, he paused and took a break. After a few minutes, he resumed the process with the strength to tell the whole truth. Approved Assessments results arrived in his inbox within 24 hours. He also had full access and control over his report. David printed his results and shared them with his lawyer.

The Preacher’s Story

Cory’s tenure as a youth pastor had honed the skill of recognizing a teenager on a wayward journey. Jack fits the script. He’d gone from one of the most pleasant kids in the youth group to the one who finds any excuse to leave. His home life had become riddled with setbacks, and by the smell of things, Jack used whatever chemical he could to escape his reality. 

With Jack’s mom’s permission, Cory sat with Jack and took the Approved Assessment screening. After the first few questions, Jack put his headphones on and answered most of the questions without Cory’s help. Jack met with Cory a few days later, and they opened the email with the completed assessment together. The recommendations outlined several things that could help Jack during this season of disappointments, including taking the document from Approved Assessments to a local therapist to help with several of his newly acquired substance uses. 

Cory connected Jack with the resources to follow through on the recommendations, and the document from Approved Assessments allowed Jack’s first session with the therapist to get to the heart of his recent struggles.

Jack’s Story

Jack was charged with a dui at 18 years old. He had to participate in classes in person. He described his dui process as “a hassle”, “long”, and “inconvenient”. Having to meet in person met arranging around not only his schedule, but another person’s schedule as well and having the pain of having to reschedule at times. Going onto later in life, Jack had to deal with the counseling process on a couple of accounts, which he described as uncomfortable at times. Jack explains the hard time he had finding trust in someone and not wanting to be there. He also described that there were times he was dishonest and would only tell his counselor what he wanted to versus the full truth of his situation and thoughts. If he had an online assessment, he would have been more honest. The comfort of not having to worry about the bias and opinion of someone else would have helped him and his situation tremendously. Jack wishes that he could have had this option back then because he would have been able to avoid all the time and stress he felt during these counseling appointments.


Annette Bosworth, MD, has been practicing Internal Medicine since 2001, primarily focusing on enhancing care for patients recovering from trauma, addiction, and mental health challenges. She emphasizes conducting holistic assessments that consider the substance misuse and mental health needs of marginalized individuals in South Dakota, including AI/AN and other minority populations. Dr. Bosworth has provided training to over 1,500 community members, including researchers, treatment providers, physicians, teachers, police/correctional officers, elected officials, tribal leaders, spiritual leaders, medicine healers, parents, and patients throughout South Dakota.

In 2015, Dr. Bosworth collaborated with the Oglala Sioux Tribe Adult Offenders Unit on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to provide holistic, culturally sensitive services for incarcerated community members. During her volunteer work in this prison, as well as other shelters and Drug Courts, she observed the unequal treatment of individuals with addictions funneled into the criminal justice system. Dr. Bosworth’s firsthand experience with the disparities faced by marginalized individuals compelled her to seek a solution. Drawing upon her unique approach to managing chronic diseases through a checklist-manifesto methodology, integrating Electronic Healthcare systems, and focusing on mental health struggles and substance misuse, Dr. Bosworth developed a comprehensive electronic assessment that utilizes evidence-based research to evaluate individuals for chemical, mental, and medical health problems associated with substance misuse.


4809 N Armenia Ave, Tampa, FL, 33603       (813) 296-2071

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